By Minnie E. Kenney Paul



"Four bright and entertaining stories told in Mrs. Paull's happiest manner are among the best stories ever written for young girls, and cannot fail to interest any between the ages of eight and fifteen years."

Publishing info is incomplete.

  1. RUBY AND RUTHIE -- "Ruby and Ruthie are not old enough to go to school, but they certainly were lively enough to have many exciting adventures, that taught many useful lessons needed to be learned by little girls." --  1892, Estes; 1917, Cupples & Leon.

  2. RUBY'S UPS AND DOWNS -- "There were troubles enough for a dozen grown-ups, but Ruby got ahead of them all, and, in spite of them, became a favorite in the lively times at school." -- 1893, Page; 1917, Cupples & Leon.

  3. RUBY AT SCHOOL -- "Ruby had many surprises when she went to the impossible place she heard called a boarding school, but every experience helped to make her a stronger-minded girl." -- 1894, Estes & Lauriat; 1917, Cupples & Leon.

  4. RUBY'S VACATION -- "This volume shows how a little girl improves by having varieties of experience both happy and unhappy, provided she thinks, and is able to use her good sense. Ruby lives and learns." --  1895, Estes & Lauriat; 1917, Cupples & Leon.



  • Cupples & Leon advertisements in Bob Dexter and the Storm Mountain Mystery and Ruth Fielding on Cliff Island

  • WorldCat Holdings

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