

  1. FOLLOWING THE BALL -- "Here is an up-to-date story presenting American boarding school life and modern athletics. Of course, football is an important feature, but this is far more than a football book. It is a story of character formation told in a most wholesome and manly way. In this development athletics play an important part, to be sure, but are only one feature in carrying the hero, "Dick Melvin," on to a worthy manhood." -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1903. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard


  2. MAKING THE NINE -- "This story is lively and worth telling, and the life presented is that of a real school, interesting, diversified, and full of striking incidents, while the characters are true and consistent types of American boyhood and youth. The athletics are technically correct, abounding in helpful suggestions, soundly and wisely given, and the moral tone is high and set by action rather than preaching." -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1904. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

  3. IN THE LINE -- "Tells how a stalwart young student won his position as guard, and at the same time made equally marked progress in the formation of his character. It introduces the leading arguments for and against football in connection with the difficulties to be overcome before the hero's father finally consents to allow his son to represent his academy in this way." -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1905. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

  4. WITH MASK AND MITT -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1906. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

  5. THE GREAT YEAR -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1907. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

  6. THE YALE CUP -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1908. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

  7. A FULL-BACK AFLOAT: Being an Account of Dick Martin's Vacation Voyage -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1908. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

  8. THE PECKS IN CAMP -- illustrated by Charles Copeland. 1911. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.

  9. THE HALF-MILER -- illustrated by John Goss. 1913. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard.



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